SUBJECT>New Virus - AOL4Free - another hoax?? POSTER>Stardust EMAIL> DATE>April 23, 1997 at 08:56:15 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>1815 1819 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Been reading about this for a couple of days - other than this from a list I'm on I could not find any other info -

> I have an independent confirmation of the information previously >referred to by Keith. I
>heard this morning on the radio on an ABC broadcast of 'CyberShake', >a verification
>that the executable file does indeed destroy your hard drive files >via a file and directory
>wide delete command. (i.e. 'deltree') Do not execute any attached >program which goes
>by the name of 'AOL4Free;.

Anyone else heard anything?
