SUBJECT>Re: I'm back. POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>April 21, 1997 at 08:52:42 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1787 NEXT>1798 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi Bombardier,

great to have you back.

Huhh, according to your physical condition and your curious outfit something
real special must have been happening to you, haven't it ??

Oh sorry, here is a big cup of hot Raspberry-tea first with quite a lot of
black Rum to get you back to the living sphere of earth. I think, Ed will
bring some Muffins too and hopefully some warm house-shoes and one
of the warm Scottish blankets as well. Oh, as I see, he is just preparing the
chimney site to your convenience.

Come on move over, Bombardier. Puhh, are you heavy, man. It's pretty warm
over there, you know. And please, come on, tell us, what happened ??

Nosy as ever ...

