Nimrod shuffles wearily back into the MessHall. His hair, well what's left of his hair, is disheveled. Thick bags hang under his eyes perfectly accompanying his bloodshot peepers.

"Hey everyone. I've been sick, thought it was mono for a while, but I'm mostly better now. It doesn't hurt when O2 molecules hit my skin anymore!"

He nods at Kanga and grins knowingly before continuing.

"I've been catching up on the discussion here and I'm glad to see the consensus is to grow. Since we're doing this for fun, we don't need more people to increase profits, but more people participating makes producing it more fun."

Nimrod peers around the room nervously. Kanga and Redwing realize that for the first time he has appeared without his glasses and is essentially blind as a result.

"Now, I can't see you ALEXT but I know you're here. You mentioned that you wished MarsDawn had more direction or organization in the storyline. Well," he sighs, "so do we. Our problem is no two members of the staff live in the same city. For that matter, I'm pretty sure no two members live in the same U.S. State and some of us don't live in the U.S. at all! Organization has been one of the most challenging aspects of this project. With the staff so spread out conference calls would be prohibitively expensive. We have to make do with other means. Recently we began having weekly meetings in a chat room, the topic is generally the future of the storyline, such as it is. I have great hopes for these meetings and from my perspective they seem to be working. If you feel like they are not, however, let us know and we'll see what else we can arrange."

Nimrod smiles, "We've all put a lot of effort into this, not because we wanted to make money, but because we wanted to have a good time. We still do, and that means making sure all of you have a good time as well. I have been touched by the concern and honest affection for the site that has been expressed recently and I'm pleased that we have all of you to help out as we begin to try to expand and improve MarsDawn. I'm also very pleased to see that even as we discuss ways to bring more people into MarsDawn, more people seem to be finding their own ways in. Ratboy and ALEXT are truly welcome here. I look forward to your further input. Thanks for your attention."

Then, unceremoniously, Nimrod collapses into a deep sleep on the nearest available couch.