SUBJECT>Re: Clearance Levels - ROTFL..... Oprah Winfrey... I'm a probe abuser, and proud of it.... POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>April 18, 1997 at 02:33:31 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1716 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>


No it's not real anger, not even a bit. What I want to say is, we should keep
things easy and develop rules in a natural way as things are rising, otherwise
we will hinder ourselves by overruling.

Getting access to post by enlisting sounds good and getting probe access by
being accepted by a team and by a total of let's say three of "old" members
looks to be quite enough barrier to me.

Decisions by majorities, even qualified ones of 2/3, won't work, for then you
need a list, who is in, who is absent at the moment, and easily activities can
be more focused to obey rules than to have fun in interacting with the probes.

Same to rotation system concerning probe access. It's a good idea, but pretty
far ahead of time. Masses won't crowed in immediately. In my opinion formal
rules should follow as close as possible informal or let's say natural structures and so being of a more flexible and pragmatic kind.

Nevertheless, I know, that this is a brainstorming session. It's of a very good
spirit and proper and well guided too. So this process shouldn't be disturbed by
any post indenting to say: "Come on, you are overdoing" Sorry, for doing so.

For sure, time has come to set up good politics for our future developments, as
we reached a crossroad, and I highly appreciate the very democratic way that
happens at MarsDawn.

I'm very happy of being member and part of it.

