SUBJECT>Re: Do we want to grow??? -- Probe Communications Acess Control -- POSTER>SkyKing STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>April 16, 1997 at 08:16:09 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1696 NEXT>1700 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi Koala,
I agree, once a person has access to probe comm, they keep it. However, it would be nice if members only posted to the probes when their comm section is "on rotation". Otherwise, anyone on any "comm team" would feel free to post at any time, and the probes may get overwhelmed. As the site grows, each "comm team" will want a chance to do their best at reviewing the probe discussion, and composing and uploading the transmission to the probe.

How about this... The probes will give priority to transmissions from the "comm team" on rotation, but may ar may not respond to communications from "off rotation" comm team members. I guess the rotation schedule will get longer as the site grows, but many people will want a chance at it, I think.

Those who are here already *have* paid their dues, and perhaps only they should have "CB" status. Others should be encouraged to *not* post to the probes, unless they are "on rotation".

I think some sort of "organizational structure" and "titles" would
help make this clear to newcomers. Those who are here now would become the "senior members" at MarsDawn.

