SUBJECT>Re: Do we want to grow??? POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>April 15, 1997 at 06:16:43 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1658 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

"Yahoo is a super idea", Xanthos is acclaiming GZ's great inspiration,
"I vote for status >>grow<< " he is yelling.

"We are a nice and cosy, but too small too to guarantee remaining in the very
long run." He says. "Even now, we miss each one, who can't post for a while.
But we are strong enough to handle some fresh blood. As seen at eon4 it isn't
a flash flood bursting in, but at least more good folks than fools, wasn't it ??"

For this case a "Who We Are" could be fine, probably placed after "You Have Entered ..."or in the "Overview", and a short summery up to the current week perhaps too. (I can do that, if someone can translate it to English :-)

Against probe-abuse, what's about maintaining limited access to the probes,
so not every fool can fool around with them, but nice guys, will get a key ??

Just my opinion
Final decision will be up at Dilyn, I think.
Apropos anyone seen her ??

