SUBJECT>Re: Do we want to grow??? POSTER>kanga EMAIL> DATE>April 14, 1997 at 07:17:55 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1658 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

~waking slowly, looking at bombadier with suspicion~

'that's okay just don't let it happen again'

~a smile spreading across her face. getting up off the couch she walks across the the board seeing a new post there~

'what's this? people'

~thinking this might be a good thing she adds her comments to the bottom of the list~

as with all good things there are a few bad. we have to remeber that if we "advertise" we'll have to put up with newbie posts and idiot's that come here to start fights. on the other hand it might be good to get some fresh blood, so the speak, to get a new perspective on things. for the most part we are all so comfortable with each other, i mean look at how we dress in here sometimes, like the other day when i came in wearing my pajama's and my robe, that we've let ourselves get stuck in sort of a rut.

~with that she walks back over to the couch, puts her head down on bombadiers lap, and falls back asleep~
