SUBJECT>Re: WHAT THE...(Bombardier) POSTER>Nimrod STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>April 11, 1997 at 18:19:27 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1648 NEXT>1651 1652 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Bombardier realizes that he has made a mistake as Nimrod's face displays accute displeasure.

"Sir, you have insulted me!" he drawls more thickly then normal, "Your implication that I might do something with or to Kanga while she is under the influence of this drug is deplorable. It is degrading both to myself, Kanga, and most especially to you!"

Were it not for the comatose woodsprite, Nimrod would clearly be on his feet. As it is, he is gripping the hilt of his sword with white knuckles.

"The MessHall is not a place where any may take advantage of their fellow MARSupials. An apology I believe, sir, is in order. As I know you to be a gentleman who undoubtedly did not mean to give offense, I will assume that you will give it in your own time."

Nimrod settles back slightly into the couch, watching over Kanga protectively. Murphy, oddly enough, has vanished into the kitchen.

{Brief out of character note: On general principle, let's try and refrain from "jokes" such as that one. I have had too much experience with the kind of damage drugs like "roofies" can do to a woman's life to find such humor amusing. I do not believe you meant to upset me, nor do I believe that you are hedonistic, I merely think that on a "family" show like this such implications may be more than a little inappropriate. What lesson do we wish to teach to the youngsters (including myself for that matter) that circulate through here?}

Nimrod sighs and looks away for a moment.

"I am sorry for becoming so agitated, my friend. May we shake and put it behind us?"

Nimrod pulls his hand from his blade and extends it, palm open, to Bombardier.

May we?