SUBJECT>Re: i never said i was human:) (Kanga) POSTER>Japestar EMAIL> DATE>April 10, 1997 at 11:33:19 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1621 NEXT>1626 1628 1631 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi Kanga,

I'm oringinally from the forest Fangorn. Which is SW of Mirkwood. I had to do some travelling a couple of years back, and for the life of me I didn't believe my own eyes. 12 dwarves and a Hobit in the middle of Mirkwood. Never saw such a thing. Nobody back home believed me. I was outcast because of it, "A Hobit that far from the Shire". So I ended up here, with no friends :-(. I am glad to say I've been made very welcome around here, even if they don't notice me all the time :-)

Love and light


gnome home for dinner. *grin*