SUBJECT>Re: Picture Names Attn: Graphic Artist POSTER>Star STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>April 09, 1997 at 16:17:44 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1610 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>


Thanks for the suggestion...

When I receive those incomings, I try to give the images names that give me mental clues so I'll be able to find them readily when they'll start to pile up. Hey! I'm a graphics artist! You know how we are... More visual-intuitive then brainy-scientific...


...For example, you should see my Fonts folder!! :(

It's kind of a mess, but through this kind of association, I can find the ones I want to load rather easily. I tried the alphabetical (ie: brainy) approach, but it failed; I spent hours looking for that funny font... I can now find it in a minute in its "Cartoon Fonts" folder...go figure.

It may be a good idea to give the images more generic names, so
that people don't get the wrong idea about some of them.

Case in point, this one: It sort of looked like those tube systems used in chemistry labs... I therefore named it boilerdrk, because it looks dark in there... But I don't know more than the next guy if there is something boiling in there!

Just be happy that I renamed the first image of the Alien control panel before posting it on the site... the original name I had chosen for it was:


Thanks again