SUBJECT>Re: Breakfast Special (Highlander's liver) POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>April 08, 1997 at 09:10:08 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1579 NEXT>1594 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

The big hairy fellow walks over to the dude in the bomber jacket, grabs him gently by the hair, tilts his head back and looks carefully into both eyes.

"Sorry, buddy, but I just had to make sure that was really you."

"Never heard of a Scotsman that was worried about his liver."

"B'sides the bad strawberries were *frozen*. These are *fresh*."

He takes a strawberry, bites off the stem, throws away the berry, chews and begins to spit.

"Ewwww, I knew I should have had my coffee first."


Zero <--- from the clan of the poet