SUBJECT>Re: Like shooting fish in a barrel (with a howitzer) POSTER>dt and team EMAIL> DATE>April 02, 1997 at 11:09:08 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1514 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

(with the theme music of the movie "Jaws" heard distinctly in the background....the following is seen and heard)

Five figures begin walking up a Litritanium gangplank connected to a triangular-shape craft. While looking at eachother, one in military fatigues and the others in unearthly looking flightsuits (one of which is still wiping kelp off what looks like a face), they all focus their attention on a one-eyed figure standing at the top of the gangplank. Looking down at the group and in a low voice but, more importantly, with his characteristically fiendishly grin, this one-eyed figure says, "Boy, what some people will do just to get a ride. You know gang we ought to introduce that Bombardier guy to OUR metal exam table and show him some of OUR medical instruments, epecially the probes.