SUBJECT>Re: Like shooting fish in a barrel (with a howitzer) POSTER>Matt EMAIL> DATE>April 01, 1997 at 19:59:05 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1514 NEXT>1517 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

His mask askew, Matt leaps in front of the mob and lashes out, protecting Bombardier from the mob. The first person to reach the pair falls to the ground, clutching their belly in pain.

"STOP!!! Just because he did this we should not kill him."

Matt then turns around and looks at Bombardier with a gaze that chills Bombardier to his soul.

"Besides, it would be much more fun to let him wait, not knowing when our vengeance will come, waiting and wondering until on that day in the far future when he forgets about us, we strike and grind everything he ever loved into dust."

As Matt walks confidently off, Bombardier blinks and wonders which name would be more appropriate, Nimrod, or Lucifer.

I cannot freakin BELIEVE you did that, Bombardier. That was without taste. Do not do it again.
