SUBJECT>Re: An Algebra puzzle for your amusement. POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>March 24, 1997 at 08:22:46 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1408 NEXT>1412 1422 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I was waiting, as I knew this riddle already:

(A-B) = Zero and any division by him will rise curiosities for sure.

I like this riddle and therefore I was thinking of an other favorite I know.
So what's about this one:

Five pirates, one stronger than the other, rob a thousand gold coins by raiding
a merchant's vessel. Though they are keen and smart and bloodthirsty, they start
a game. The least strongest (No.5) has to start with his suggestion, how to share
the coins. If the majority does not agree with him, he will be thrown over board
and the second least strongest (No.4) can make his suggestion to find a majority,
otherwise he will visit the sharks too, and so on. None of the pirates likes to pay
one gold coin more, than he definitely has to get the needed majority. What is the
suggestion of No. 5 ??

