SUBJECT>Re: Roster Preparation - Version 0.1.1 POSTER>Koala EMAIL> DATE>March 21, 1997 at 14:17:04 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1360 NEXT>1376 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

The list of information to be collected has been expanded due to some great suggestions made in this thread. Here it is:

1. former affiliation (ie EON-4 or Area-51)

2. name(s) used on those boards

3. name(s) used on this board

4. Probe affiliations *NEW*

5. [OPTIONAL] real E-Mail address

6. [OPTIONAL] personal home page URL *NEW*

Also, I want to thank those of you who have enthusiastically jumped onto the bandwagon and have begun to send me your information.

PLEASE REMEMBER to E-MAIL it to "" Some of you have posted it here which just adds to my work load to get the project done. I'll bet every one of them is an Engineer who NEVER reads the instructions, am I right?