SUBJECT>What's about a Pin-board ? POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>March 17, 1997 at 02:20:24 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>1267 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi staff,

First of all many thanks to the great work you are doing. I've just posted an
overall scheme of Project management at Probe Discuss. May I mention a
management tool, I think, would be of great help and we probably might
miss ?

What I've been thinking about quite a while, would be to have a third board.
Hey, please don't kill me. I don't know, how much work that will be, but often
larger implements are easy done, while little changes are sometimes
almost out of reach.

We have a Mess Hall to meet more private and to have some coffee, and
we have a board for Probe Discuss, but we don't have a Pin-board to keep
important issues permanent. At this Pin-board, I would like to have post us
threads, but single postings should be removable at request. To
demonstrate, what I mean, these threads could be named or concern:

1) Main hypotheses
2) Serious Speculations
3) Evidences
4) Objectives
5) Main strategies
6) Protocol of Probe movements
7) Main Rules (like don't frighten the probes etc.)

That way we could hold our essentials easily in permanents and can get
more coordinated and tightened to our targets. But also we can get new
posters introduced more quickly, will be easier updated after some time of
absents (as qwerty and probably me during rehearsal) and see the
progress of our efforts at one web-site.

Concerning introducing new posters, I think, a lot of advertising has to be
made by all of us, to have a solid base of about hundred lurkers and fifty
posters. So temporal fluctuation in individual presents don't dry out the
boards and probes. One step to this direction is to get the barrier of
entrance as low as possible and the Pin-board could be of great help too
to meet this target.

Sorry for launching a very long posting again. I will work hard on me to get
further ones shorter and shorter ... Thanks for your patience

