SUBJECT>Re: redwing, jet, joule, qwerty, zot, macmarts, zink, snake, flak, t'pau et al POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>March 16, 1997 at 13:03:24 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1233 NEXT>1249 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

[A man in a flightsuit and fleece-lined leather jacket enters the Mess. Seeing no sign of Murphy, he goes to the kitchen and prepares himself a cup of Fortnum and Mason raspberry tea. He pours the tea in a china cup which he handles in a casual fashion (doesn't he ever use the handle?). He walks back out into the common area and scans the gathered crowd. It's the weekend, so the crowd is sparse. Suddenly, his face lights up and he trots over to another man....]

Felicitations, Mr. Lewis! It is OUTSTANDING to see you again!

[He thrusts his hand out in greeting, but he is greeted with a startled look and silence by the man.]

Oh, yeah! I've had a facelift. Don't look anything like I used. Just ask Gouge Zorro, er, Grass Zygote, uh, I mean Graft Zebra, well, GZ, whatever his nom du jour is. He'll fill you in, even if he doesn't look like he did when he was AGTC @ EON-4.

Well, I gotta go now. I'll see you around!

[As he turns and leaves, jlewis notices the artwork on the back of the jacket looks strangely familiar....]