SUBJECT>Re:Sooner Dude (JASE - everybody else feel free to ignore.) POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL>zero@your.service DATE>March 11, 1997 at 12:34:24 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1167 NEXT>1174 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I guess we should take this to e-mail. Everybody else is probably getting pretty bored with us.

My wife's bro. is an assistant Police Chief in The Village. He lives in Edmond.

... where the corn is as high as an elephants eye ...

"...and it looks like it's climbin' clear up to the sky..."

I know that one by heart. I was Judd Frye my Senior Year in BAHS.

Poor Judd is dead
Poor Judd Frye is dead
He's lookin' oh so peaceful and serene.
He's all laid out to rest
With his hands accrost his chest.
His fingernails have never been so clean.

Sooner Dude

