SUBJECT>Re: To Jet Star POSTER>Apollo EMAIL>none@this.time DATE>March 11, 1997 at 08:40:26 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1147 NEXT>1153 1154 1155 1158 1176 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Jet Star,
Thank you for the welcome.

I'm not in college. I'm thirteen and I live in Oklahoma. My parents have to work so we couldn't go any where for Spring Break. I wish I could go to Florida again, but it's probably too crowded now any way.

See you later.


PS - I think I like the name Apollo and since I'm 13 that makes me Apollo13. That was a great movie. I hope being 13 is not too young to join here. I'll try to be careful with my spelling and writing.