SUBJECT>Old Eon-4 lurker...wondering what's going on here! POSTER>Scotch Magictape EMAIL> DATE>March 05, 1997 at 15:46:04 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>1083 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hello to all fellow ex-EarthCommies...and to everyone else, too!

You may or may not remember me from Eon-4. I wasn't around for very long. My name is Scotch Magictape. On Eon-4 I was touting myself as an Information Specialist, but didn't get seated well enough in the "groove of things" to get any responses before the Eon-4 project was shut down. (Of course, not posting for a great many months before it ended probably didn't help any either! Whatever happened in the end anyway?)

Now, I figure, I'll get in on this on the ground floor, and hopefully become a greater part of the whole than I was last time.

New MessHallie,
Scotch Magictape