SUBJECT>Re: Put the Cat out (Japestar) POSTER>Ed STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>March 04, 1997 at 16:50:14 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1045 NEXT>1054 1073 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Well boyo, I'm keepin' a zoo here, it seems, Snakes and Cats and all. Never a minute of dullness though. If ya ever want to chat, come on down to the basement and put your feet up on my desk; its the little office off the boiler-room. Murph sends his best down for me to sample.

I mind my own business around here. But I been hearin' talk about these Multi-National groups from Dilyn and some of the others, an' seems to me someone aught to be thinkin' of ways to protect them probes, or you all will never get a chance to see all there is on Mars. But what do I know, I'm just the janitor.
