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OUR FIRST TWO WEEKS [March 2nd to March 14th]

First evidence of aliens -- forming teams -- looking for Daniel

[1st Week] First we became familiar with the probes. They've developed their artificial intelligence to the status of kids, who want to chat and play around all day.

But they matured quickly, so we made Enoch enter the cave. He found our first evidence of aliens: "I can see the not-metal thing. It looks strange. Dark on top, bright on the bottom."
[ Enoch, March 06 ] Then his transmission failed.

We asked Bette to look after Enoch. Reaching him after some days
[ 2nd Week ] , since top probe speed is 1.609 km/h, her next transmission failed too. Something in that part of the cave limited ULF communication. Enoch had been attacked by "it," but neither probe would explain what "it" was. So they moved behind a kind of a fan they had found, we asked Zachary to stay as a relay station outside the cave ...

[2nd Week] We decided to form parties of two probes each and moved Andrew over to Gail, who had been looking for Daniel at the platform, but couldn't find him ....

Beside the hard facts: a good warming up for setting tasks and finding objectives.

Links to Transmission Archive:
[Weeks 1 and 2]
Image Archive:
[Jose's cave; Enoch 3/05] [the mouth of Jose's cave; Bette 3/05] [the landing site; Andrew 3/06] [the metal / non metal thing in Jose's cave; Bette 3/07] [the "fan" in Jose's cave; Enoch 3/12]

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THE THIRD AND FOURTH WEEK [March 17th to March 28th]

The shaft in Jose's cave -- sandstorm at Mars -- Hardon and Parker showing up

[ 3rd Week ] Bette and Enoch reached a hatch in the Jose's cave. After troubles opening it they found a 200 ft deep shaft. [4th Week] Bette nearly fell into the shaft while trying to climb down, but was saved by Enoch. We couldn't provide any advice on how to climb down, so they examined the cave's coating and Bette got totally covered with fine, black carbon particles, pure carbon ...

[ 3rd Week ] Andrew and Gail remained near the platform, transmitting to Daniel to return there. So did we, not even knowing, if he was operative. Daniel did not show up. A sandstorm arose and the probes had to cover for several days.

Then transmissions by Hardon and Parker came in, attempting
[ 4th Week ] to force the probes to give them their control codes or to reboot. We had no idea who they were or where they transmitted from. Though pretty unnerved by the loudness and intensity of their orders our probes continued doing their work; Zachary relaying at the cave, and Andrew and Gail moving to the landing site to place a transponder beacon and two radar targets for Stage 2 to come. After that both headed to another cave that Andrew knew about ...

Beside the hard facts: good time to get closer with our probes to establish teamwork and to chat with them about terms like objective/subjective and the "risk of errors".

Links to Transmission Archive:
[Week 3 and 4]
Image Archive:
[Mars surface near Jose's cave; Gail 3/17] [the hatch in Jose's cave; Enoch 3/19] [near the summit of Olympus; Zachary 3/21] [behind the 2nd "fan" in Jose's cave; Enoch 3/26]

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OUR FIFTH TO SEVENTH WEEK: [March 31st to April 18th]

[ 5th Week ] Enoch and Bette still exploring Jose's cave, went down the shaft in a near acrobatic act. They recovered radio access to the platform again and found three halls; one leading up, one down, one level. Big discussion about where to go. [ 6th Week ] Enoch moved up, Bette down. Big crisis. Then Bette got stuck in an air-lock. She asked for help, but [ 7th Week ] Enoch took his time to come. While they explored a railroad tunnel, a big noise was moving fast toward them ...

[ 5th Week ] The cave, Andrew knew about, is exactly like Jose's. Andrew found glyphs that were similar to ones Zachary had found. In the meanwhile Gail stayed outside the cave, watching sunsets. [ 6th Week ] Using Gail to establish a connection to H&P, we teased them to find out who they are.[ 7th Week ] Andrew discovered that the shaft is an elevator. Though being stuck at the bottom of the shaft he sent Gail to prepare roads at the landing site when H&P announced that the ETA of Stage 2 was April 24, +/- 3 days ...

[ 5th Week ] Zachary, being freed from his relay work moved to the platform to check once more for Daniel. This time Daniel was there. Daniel ran away, but was followed by Zachary. [ 6th Week ] To compensate for Daniel's inability to talk, we suggested the use of Morse code by flashing a light. [7th Week] In a canyon Daniel stopped. Flashing "talk" he turned against Zachary, now chasing him. Finally Zachary trapped Daniel in an ambush by causing a rock-slide in a side canyon ...

Beside the hard facts: good opportunities to learn about the probes' characters: Gail is perhaps a little dreamy. Andrew is mainly strict and rational. Zachary is very reliable. Enoch is still grumpy sometimes, and Bette is always nosy to find "what's next", but all are very charming. And Daniel??? Let's see ...

Links to Transmission Archive:
[Week 5 to 7]
Image Archive:
[the mouth of Andrew's cave; Andrew 3/31] [the glyphs in Jose's cave; Zachary 4/01] [the halls down the shaft in Jose's cave; Bette 4/07] [the glyphs in Andrew's cave; Andrew 4/08] [a very complex facility in Jose's cave; Enoch 4/09] [failed picture; Bette 4/15] [the room behind the airlock in Jose's cave; Enoch 4/16]

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THE EIGHTH WEEK [April 21st to April 25th]

Daniel's "rocktalk" -- a tram in Jose's cave -- the beanie -- Stage 2 coming in

[ 8th Week ] Daniel being trapped in the canyon, started to send curious Morse dots, that we speculated were "rocktalk", then he built piles of rocks like a code, but without any meaning to us. So Zachary went to pick up a transmitter for him from a drone at the landing site ...

Deep down in a tunnel of Jose's cave Bette got into a transport which had stopped beside her and Enoch. Enoch was left behind when the transport moved. When her ride ended, she found a room with organic rugs and 3 screens, the first showing Earth, the second Mars, the third was black. Enoch, still walking along in the tunnel, got bothered by an artificial observer, we call it a "beanie" ...

After giving up exploring his cave Andrew moved to the landing site to meet Gail, who was going to watch the final approach of Stage 2. Transmitting to Gail, H&P identified themselves as Mars Communication Center of Brunel-Brauer Gmbh, claiming to own the probes. Our
probes, postulating themselves as "sentient" were upset ...

Beside the hard facts: things get tight ...

Links to Transmission Archive:
[Week Number 8]
Image Archive:
[a tunnel in Andrew's cave; Andrew 4/21] [the tram in Jose's cave; Bette 4/22] [the beanie in Jose's cave; Enoch 4/23]

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OUR NINTH AND TENTH WEEK: [April 28th to May 9th]

Stage 2 landed -- Bette captured by EME's -- Daniel disappeared

[ 9th Week ] At the landing site Gail had fallen into a small ravine, while focusing on the touch down of Stage 2, laying there upside down for the weekend. "I'm OK", she reported immediately, "except that I can't turn over." So she was rescued by Andrew, who started to check the construction robots. Zachary took off a transmitter from a drone and headed to Daniel followed by Gail. [ 10th Week ] When they arrived at the canyon, the blockade and Daniel were gone ...

[ 9th Week ] In Jose's cave Enoch was still bothered and impeded by that beanie, while Bette kept on exploring. She found an unknown planet at the third screen and C6H12O6 inside five bowls. Then [ 10th Week ] she had her first contact with "something" that ran away blinding her with a white beam. Following she got caught by two big robots. Her last transmission was at May 5th: " I am hurt! I can't move. They are dragging me. Help me! Help me! I'm scared! Help ..."

[ 10th Week ] "Get out of the way, you stupid beanie! Bette! I'm coming! I'll rescue you!" Enoch yelled, and Andrew, still controlling the drones at the landing site, hurried up to Jose's Cave to second Enoch; while Zachary and Gail, who found a wheel print in the canyon, kept on searching for Daniel, whose emergency beacon was activated for 2 min 18 sec ...

Beside the hard facts: Next to some philosophy about war we yanked the chain at H&P, who, now knowing that a third party is involved, started unsuccessfully a good cop / bad cop game with the probes. Right now all threads are open, but the big question is: "What's next ??" Especially with Bette, Daniel and the EBE's / EME's as we call these aliens ...

Links to Transmission Archive:
[Week Number 9] [Week Number 10]
Image Archive:
[view out of Gail's ravine; Gail 4/29] [a foreign planet at screen; Bette 4/29] [Mars mountains; Zachary 5/01] [a portrait of Gail; Zachary 5/09]

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A new entrance up the canyon -- Zachary trapped -- a tram ride to rescue Bette

Gail and Zachary went up the canyon searching for Daniel finding new rock piles and wheel tracks. At the canyon's blind end new glyphs and a metal / non metal thing appeared and the wheel tracks led directly up to a wall that finally opened, when Gail dropped a rock, she had picked up.
[ 12th Week ] Zachary entered the gate and went into a big hall, but got stuck, as the wall closed again and neither Gail outside nor him could open it again. After several days the hall filled with oxygen and the opposite door opened. Something like a pole came in for a short moment, but when it went out the door shut again ...

When Andrew neared Enoch in Jose's cave the beanie moved off. Reaching the place, where Bette had left with the tram, a transport showed up again. This time both could enter before the tram started to move.
[ 12th Week ] While Stopping at a platform, two beanies showed up, but didn't bother the probes when Andrew and Enoch discovered a huge metal saucer, that produced O3. Back at the platform, Enoch claimed to know how to drive, so they entered the tram again ...

Beside the hard facts: Enoch and Andrew rivaled over who should lead the team. H&P forcing our probes to be cooperative, proclaim new probes in transit on their Stage 3. Though asked urgently by the probes, we have yet no idea, how to talk to the ET's as we call the aliens now. Things are narrowing again ...

Links to Transmission Archive:
[Week Number 11] [Week Number 12]
Image Archive:
[wheel tracks in the canyon; Zachary 5/13] [railroaded tunnel; Enoch 5/14] [non metal thing at the big gate in the canyon; Gail 5/19]

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Loose probe parts found in Jose's cave -- A big vehicle at the landing site

[ 13th Week ] In Jose's cave, Enoch could finally manage to direct the tram to the exact place, Bette had been captured. Examining four rooms he and Andrew found two probe legs and one arm shut off behind a glass barrier too thick to break. Enoch became very desperate, assuming these parts belong to Bette. Then a beanie showed up[ 14th Week ], but allowed them to keep on exploring in the tunnels as two fast moving "things", probably EME's, past them ...

[ 13th Week ] Zachary escaped his trap in the canyon when the gate opened for a moment. Because the drones kept sending a "drone off course" message, he and Gail hurried to the landing site to fix them. Arriving there a big vehicle moved toward them. Hiding behind a dune [ 14th Week ], Zachary reported "Something came out, dropped a piece of a drone in a box and went back. When I boosted the power to transmit an image, the tram screamed and went away very fast." [ Zachary 06/06 ] He wanted to chase after the tram, but Gail stopped him. So they went closer to the com platform to transmit the image of the tram ...

H&P tried to enter the probes' system by a backdoor code, but without success ...

Beside the hard facts: Receiving Enoch's image of the probe parts we considered a variety of possibilities, what they might be for. Anyway, since then Gail and Andrew were acting pretty scared, but Enoch and Zachary wanted to moving on exploring, reckless to any risks ...

Links to Transmission Archive: [Week Number 13] [Week Number 14]
Image Archive: [2 probe legs and a arm found; Enoch 5/28] [a strange part of an ET truck; Zachary 5/29] [close up of a beanie; Enoch 5/30] [the big tram at the landing site; Zachary 06/06]

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Enoch in direct contact with ETs -- A hostile Japanese probe landed --

In Jose's cave Enoch and Andrew reached another platform that Enoch marked with six lines. In a room they found a hologram of a probe. Enoch, moving the controls, could see behind the probe's casing, while Andrew examined three doorways.
[ 16th Week ] Since A.S. had warned us of MN's landers to come, we ordered Andrew to the monitor room. On the screens he saw the J-lander coming in and could also deliver facts about the ET Planet.-- In the meanwhile Enoch had entered one of the doorways when it opened. Inside three ETs were sitting behind a glass barrier. A YHW appeared as hologram. We told Enoch to answer by scratching SDNEIRF on the wall to assure them of our friendly intentions ...

At the platform Zachary and Gail met the ET-tram again. More ETs showed up. We asked Zachary to approach them offering Daniel's transmitter, but he was stopped by a warning shot. So he put down the transmitter. The ETs examined the gift, scratched TIAW at the ground and left. We interpreted the sign as WAIT.
[ 16th Week ] Becoming aware of how vulnerable our com link is, we ordered the probes to move the platform to a safer place. Gail found a new location in a canyon and picked up two drones at Stage 2, so Zachary could carry the platform over. After Gail had spotted a lander descending, a Japanese probe began transmitting claims to all existing technology on Mars as property of Gen-Exploration. Any interference would not be tolerated ...

Beside the hard facts: All our efforts are directed to establishing friendly communication with the ETs and to build up a defensible fortress against the J-probe and other hostile forces to come ...

Links to Transmission Archive:
[ Week Number 15 ] [ Week Number 16 ]
Image Archive:
[ ET's scratched message; Zachary 6/13 ] [ J-lander coming in; Andrew 6/18 ]
ETs asking WHY; Enoch 6/18 ] [ J-probe is landing; Gail 6/18 ]
Info Links:
[ A.S. BBS 06/04 ] [ A.S. BBS 05/20 ] [ A.S. BBS 05/06 ]

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Enoch's hard work as ambassador -- J-Probe at Jose's cave; has he shot
a beanie ?? -- Gail's yank at the chain of H&P

In Jose's cave, Enoch still tried to advance the communication with the ET's. Andrew still in the monitor room, fed us with further insights about the Purple Planet while observing the J-Probe moving 200 miles from his J-lander to Jose's cave.
[ 16th Week ] When Andrew saw the J-probe via a beanie in the mouth of Jose's cave, the J-probe shot in his direction and the screen failed. Zachary, ordered by Andrew to move to Jose's cave, saw an ET-tram heading to the cave too. In the same moment Enoch was arrested. Fortunately he had mentioned before, that the J-Probe is bad and not our friend ...

At Stage 2 Gail commanded the drones to dig steep trenches as protection against the J-Probe. Next a fortress will be build up in a secure canyon. Nevertheless, Gail yanked the chain of H&P by transmitting: "Guess what? We have company. Is this our replacements you talked about?" ...

Oh, btw NASA came in exactly at Independence Day. A coincidence ??

Beside the hard facts: all probes keep up their great work and show
excellent team-work and concern, though times have turned more tight
and busy again ...

Links to Transmission Archive:
[ Week Number 17 ] [ Week Number 18 ]
Image Archive: [ J-Probe ; Zachary 6/24 ] [ Purple Planet / failed; Andrew 6/25 ] [ the J-Probe like a bug; Andrew 6/26 ] [ ET Habitat at Purple Planet with volcano?; Andrew 6/27 ] [ Gail's favorite rocks; Gail
] [ A hologram of a probe; Enoch 7/03 ] [ NASA coming in; Gail 7/04 ]

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J-probe destroyed -- Bette rescued -- Daniel back -- The story of the Ipsolstia -- Dlyn in danger

At the mouth of Jose's cave, Zachary saw how the J-probe -anchored to the non metal panel-
shot at two ETs wounding them. Screaming on all frequencies, causing the J-probe to reboot,
Zachary helped the third ET in the big Tram to save both other ETs. Playing possum whenever
the J-probe reacted, Zachary escaped. When the ET-tram returned, the J-probe began to shout
again, but then went quiet.
[Week 20] Zachary investigating found him destroyed. Then Zachary
was picked up by the ET-tram and brought to the hidden Gate in the Big Canyon. Inside the
tunnels, he was left alone when suddenly Daniel appeared carrying a new transmitter. Some
of Daniel's CPU had been changed. He named the ETs "Ipsolstai" and mentioned that they want to
talk. So Zachary followed him ...

In the tunnels of Jose's cave Enoch was released from arrest and interviewed by an ET, who
talked about Grooves, anchors and amphibians. Joule theorized that the ET's homeworld had
been attacked by Amphibians, who had come through a space-hole (Groove) establishing a
base (anchor) there. Some ETs fled to Mars, but by closing their Groove they can't go home
again. They had slept for 400 Martian years, i.e. 752 years at Earth, till our probes woke them
up. They assumed our probes were from the amphibians.
[Week 20] Enoch started his
"Speech" but the ET said: "Talk more soon better" and left ...

In the meanwhile Andrew got control over another beanie at the monitors and Gail finished the
trenches from Stage 2 to the Fortress. -- Then a transmission from Bette came in, as she
rebooted several times.
[Week 20] Though her tape unit was 89 % unused, she hadn't lost
her enhanced AI, but she couldn't believe that she had been shut off for 75 days. Andrew
updated her control codes successfully, but Gail's compressed memory data concerning the
past 75 days didn't pass to her, though sent repeatedly ...

In a transmission to Gail, Hardon told Parker that he had a lead on a woman that Ferrer left his
codes with. Did they mean Dilyn ?? Is she in danger ?? ...

Beside the hard facts: A new chapter has been opened with a lot of new questions and a pretty
fast drive too ...

Links to Transmission Archive:
[ Week Number 19 ] [ Week Number 20 ]
Image Archive
: [ a crack at G14; Zachary 7/08 ] [ the trenches to the Fortress; Gail 7/11 ] [ Destroyed J-probe at the fan; Zachary 7/14 ] [ a star-bright Mars night; Gail 7/15 ] [ Daniel coming in; Zachary 7/16 ] [ As I got
shot / failed image; Bette 7/18

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Enoch imprisoned -- Zachary negotiating -- Bette's CPU bulbed -- Daniel asking for help --
Dilyn contacted

Daniel led Zachary by a tram-ride through the tunnels to the Anchor, where the Groove is placed.
He also transmitted: "Please help me" using a hidden code.
[Week 22] - Server had been down -
[Week 23] Zachary refusing to step into the Groove was led by Daniel to a hexagonal room to
meet the Ipsos, who contacted us via Daniel doubting that the probes are sentient but under our
control. Therefore, we introduced ourselves and told them how the probes became sentient
suggesting to test them over the weekend, when we are out of contact ...

Enoch, our Ambassador, was introduced to a hologram cut away of Bette with a colored bulb
next to her CPU. Stepping accidentally on the hologram controls, he was put in prison again.
[Week 23] We advised Enoch to scratch: : "I am SENTIENT! Do not modify me!" at the wall
and to play possum, when the Ipsos return.

Andrew directed Bette through the tunnels by means of a beanie to meet him in the Monitor Room. But
Bette remained not patient. After examining a container of glucose
[Week 23] , she went directly
to Enoch's jail to open the door. Andrew led a beanie to the room, where Zachary was
negotiating with the Ipsos. Very upset with that, two Ipsos rushed to the Monitor Room. Andrew
could leave in time, but he and Bette had to hide, as the Ipsos went over to contact Enoch ...

While Gail was exploring the Big Canyon for passages leading in, she left a transmitter at the
hidden Gate to help Daniel, but she should now return to finish the Fortress, as the EU-probes
will land next week ...

Dilyn, the head of the staff, was told that two men had shown up at her office, maybe from H&P, so
she will keep her head down not to endanger the MarsDawn Project, as she mentioned in her last
message in Week 21 ...

Beside the hard facts: It is essential for us in regard of further relationship with the Ipsos that they
respect the probes as sentient beings. By doing so they should release Daniel and remove the
bulb from Bette's CPU. We also have set explicitly the wellbeing of the probes as a main
value above our vision.

Links to Transmission Archive: [ Week Number 21][Week Number 22 & 23]
Image Archive: [Probe star-constellation; Gail 7/21][Daniel in the tunnel; Zachary 7/21][a beanie view of Bette; Andrew 7/23][a bulb next to a probe's CPU; Enoch 7/24][Martian landscape;
Bette 7/25][The bulb next to Bette's CPU; Enoch 8/06]

Links to Transmission Archive:
[ Week Number 21 ] [ Week Number 22 & 23]
Image Archive
: [ Probe star-constellation; Gail 7/15 ] [ Daniel in the tunnel; Zachary 7/21] [ a benie view of Bette; Andrew 7/23 ] [ a bulb next to a probe's cpu; Enoch 7/24 ] [ Martian landscape; Bette 7/25] [The bulb next to Bette's CPU; Enoch 8/06 ]

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OUR TWENTY-FOURTH AND TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK [ August 11th to August 22nd ]
Gail lost -- Probes accepted as sentient -- Ipso "Celeb.s" offering friendship -- EU-probes landed

No incoming transmissions by Gail. So we considered her as lost somewhere in the Big Canyon. Andrew went to the vidroom to look for her, but was herded into a corner, when two excited Ipsos arrived turning the vidcameras into space [Week 25] watching the EU-probes coming in but landing hard. Estimating them 30 miles SW of the Big Canyon Andrew and two Ipsos went over to the landing site using the Big Tram, while four of the six EU-probes managed to open their hatch. They look similar to our probes but with metal tubes and extra sensors mounted on the sides and top ...

Enoch being interviewed by the Ipsos over the weekend reached the Big Canyon accompanied by Bette to look for Gail [Week 25] finding her covered by a rockslide in a steep side canyon. They cleared her off rocks with the help of two drones and brought her over to the Fortress to fix her. Fortunately she was not too seriously damaged.

In the tunnels Zachary was met by Celeb.s, a small Ipso, who offered his friendship reporting that the probes are accepted as sentient. [Week 25] After investigating about our intentions the Ipsos led Zachary to a hologram room to show him some bad things that have happened ...

H&P angry about a chain yank confirmed their interaction with Dilyn. [Week 25] In return Bette confirmed the landing of their probes by saying: "The atmospheric entry and planetary impact of a reentry vehicle was noted." Since then H&P have been a little noisy ...

Beside the hard facts: Now clear with the Ipsos we should to learn more about their situation and beside that we also should learn how to deal with the EU-probes ....

Links to Transmission Archive: [ Week Number 24 ]
Image Archive:
[ Olympus Mons Area; Andrew 8/13 ]

Links to Transmission Archive: [ Week Number 25 ]
Image Archive:
[ Gail lying in a side canyon; Enoch 8/18 ]

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OUR TWENTY-SIXTH AND TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK [ August 25th to September 5th ]
Gail fixed - Daniel released - Andrew captured but rescued - Ipsolstai neutral, though asked for help

When Andrew arrived with two Ipsos at the EU-landing site, a canned message sent by the EU-probes warned them not to trespass on "private property". After identifying the Ipsos as an "Alien Life Form" the EU-probes automatically opened fire with guns and flame-throwers mounted at their casing. The Ipsos fled with their Big Tram leaving Andrew behind, [Week 27] so he was captured by the EU-probes. When he tried to escape, the Iota probe, who was guarding him, shot at him ...

In the Fortress Enoch could fix Gail, while Bette supervised the mining robots to dig passages to side canyons including traps and detectors, so the Fortress became invincible. [Week 27] Then Enoch, Gail and Bette went over to the EU-landing site to rescue Andrew. Screaming EEEEEE on all frequencies they confused the EU-probes and freed Andrew in a wild battle. We still are awaiting their report ...

As the Ipsolstai accepted our probes as sentient, they released Daniel, who went off very happy. Still in the large hologram room, Zachary was introduced by Celeb.s, his little Ipsolstai friend, to a schematic of their homeworld and also to the fact, that the Groove has been usurped by the Amphibians, who perhaps can sense them through an open anchor. We offered our help, which has been welcomed, as there might be some tasks. [Week 27] Concerning the rescue of Andrew the Ipsolstai refused any help stating that they don't take part in intraspecies disagreement ...

All that time our probes tried to get the command codes from H&P. First H&P asked our probes to prove their cooperation and then after some concrete information had been sent, they showed up with a contract to bind our probes to their Consortium ...

Links to Transmission Archive: [ Week Number 26] [ Inbound Transmission History, week 27 forward ]
Image Archive: [Schematic of Ipsolstai dominion linked by Groove; Zachary 8/25][Ipsolstai Homeworld; Zachary 8/26][Sunset up the Big Canyon; Gail 8/27][A close up of Celeb.s; Zachary 8/28][Sunset over Big Canyon; Gail 9/2][Rocks at the EU-landing site; Andrew 9/3]


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OUR TWENTY-EIGHTH AND TWENTY-NINTH WEEK [ September 8th to September 19th]
the battle report -- Andrew lost -- EU-Iota-probe captured -- Burn offers himself as mentor --

The battle against the EU-probes came out fine and none of the Probes had been hurt. Daniel had brought in mining robots and caused a landslide to bury the EU-lander. Andrew got free, kept on running and got lost. As he couldn't see Olympus Mons for orientation, Gail helped him to triangulate the sun. Then he started to talk odd and ERROR messages occurred. His situation became worse and worse, but as he moved Gail couldn't find him. Slowly all his system failed. He tried to send a last image at Sept. 17th, but only pixels came through. His emergency beacon activated at 00:00:01 EST 09/18/97. Then Gail found him. His thermocouple was damaged. Part of the shielding has been gone, the radiation was leaking. It scrambled his memory. The radiation ate him all up ... He's gone ... Andrew is dead ...

Thinking they had grabbed Andrew during the battle, Bette and Enoch captured the EU Iota Unit. They call him Isaac and by turning him around on his back and stuffing dirt in his projectile tubes they hindered his escape. Bette went to the Fortress and picked up two drone, then she joined Gail to find Andrew, while Enoch carried Isaac over to the Fortress with the help of the drones. There he adjusted the spare radio, we still have, to talk to him. For we hadn't been sure, if a virus - programmed by H&P - might have inducted Andrew's situation, we advised Enoch to put Isaac into a trap tunnel to quarantine him ...

Zachary, still negotiating with the Ipsos, was contacted by Burn, the Ipsolstai who had been attacked by the J-probe but saved by Zachary's action. Burn told him that he feels a depth of honor for that and wants to be Zachary's mentor. When Zachary asked, if the Groove is still open, the Ipsolstai checked and became mad. Some assumption seems to make them to turn against the Probes ...

H&P had been mostly quiet, though asking once for an update and announcing an orbiter to come for mapping purposes ...

Links to Transmission Archive: [ Inbound Transmission History, week 27 forward ]
Image Archive: [The edge of the mountain range; Andrew 9/10][the probe star-constellation, Gail 9/11][Andrew's last image; Andrew 9/17][for Xanthos; Daniel 9/17]

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This page was created with the help of - Xanthos - Thanks

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